Temporomandibular dysfunction refers to pain or problems with the jaw and surrounding muscles of the face. Dysfunction in this area can affect many simple daily tasks such as speech and eating. Commonly TMD is referred to as TMJ which means theĀ joint.
Symptoms of TMD
Pain around the jaw, face, ear and neck region – Pain or difficulty with functions of the jaw such as chewing, eating, biting and speaking
Clicking of the jaw with opening or closing. Clicking does not have to be a sign of dysfunction but can be an indicator along with other signs or symptoms
Difficulty or an inability to open or close the mouth
Causes of
Clenching or grinding of teeth
Poor muscle control / biomechanics of the jaw
Trauma to the face or head area
Arthritic conditions
Problems with the biting surfaces of teeth
Dental issues
Stress or anxiety
Physiotherapy Management
Management of temporomandibular joint disorder is not unlike management of other parts of the body. Management requires a thorough assessment to discover the cause of the pain. This involves taking a patient history, and assessing the mechanics of the jaw, face and neck. A treatment plan can then be devised.
Treatment can consist of any of the following:
Manual therapy to improve joint mobility of the jaw, neck and upper back
Massage the muscles of the jaw, face and neck
Ice or heat therapy
Exercises are particularly important and are designed to improve control of the jaw
Posture and ergonomic advice
Behaviour changes to minimise strain onto the joint